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"I would like to take a few minutes to share my incredible experiences with Stefan Cybichowski. 12 months ago life looked very complicated … at least it seemed so in my mind. Anxiety had shown it’s ugly face, self-doubt and  interference had taken over.


That is when a friend suggested I speak to Stef.


It all started with a few initial Skype conversations, and little by little, we got to know each other. I immediately found his colloquial and down to earth style very comfortable and approachable.

After a few weeks, I had the privilege to have a 3 full day immersion with him, away from work, home and my usual environment. These 3 days were eye opening and I cannot stress enough how important they were to the process and I highly recommend it.


When you are facing insurmountable interference, doubt and grief, it is not easy see to that life can get easier. Stef opened my eyes to this and I am forever grateful. I now hold on less to things and definitely have a different relationship to issues and thoughts. I don’t make a meaning of everything and I trust my instinct more and confidently go with the flow. Stef listens, nods, affirms, and encourages you to find the answers you are looking for from within.


I am grateful for the time I continue to spend with Stef and most and foremost, I am delighted to call him a friend."


–Olivier Bonard - Senior Vice President (Hotel Operations)

"I had heard Stef speak many times before I began working with him as one of his clients, and every time his words had had a profound impact on me and my outlook on life. However, when we began to work together one-to-one, he helped me to access a level of clarity and peace that I would previously have thought impossible.  

As a coach, he is attentive and generous. He has a tremendous understanding of what it means to really be present with someone, and as a result is able to draw out a huge reserve of innovation, health and resilience from his clients.  

Stef has helped me to view my career creatively and with understanding, and as a result, my work continues to move from strength to strength. He has also empowered me to recognise insecurity for what it is, so that it no longer impedes my progress in my professional life.   In my personal life, the space that Stef points to so beautifully has enabled me to enjoy a more meaningful relationship with my family but especially with my partner. We now have an extremely powerful connection and devotion to one another because we can view our relationship with compassion and love, even through the hard times, and this really is the most precious gift he could have ever given me.   I cannot recommend his services highly enough."


–Charlie Turner Songwriter & Composer

"Stef facilitated two workshops at Millenium Hotel Corniche in Abu Dhabi, during February and October 2015.

His workshop was based upon the "Three Principles" by Sydney Banks which I had requested to be the core subject for my management team (a multicultural mix of backgrounds and nationalities) to address current challenges and changes in the property and company.


Stef planned these workshops exceptionally well and in a manner that appeared to e relaxed, seamless and very cohesive to our needs.

His in-depth knowledge of the subject was very rewarding and his awareness of the requirements of the team was pleasantly reassuring.


After the first workshop I could see at a very early stage, significant changes for the better in the team and it did not stop there.

Stef followed up with further development in conference calls, adding value and rationale around thought changes some individuals were experiencing and giving focus towards improvements.


My team asked for the second workshop citing they had never experienced training so deep, so informative and so stress-free and easily absorbed. In fact, for three of my senior executives, I can say his workshops were life-changing, giving them the means to understand their thought process better in both their private lives and at work, making significant improvements in their overall happiness and positivity. 


Stef conducts his training in a down to earth and easily approachable manner. His knowledge, openness, and sincerity invites interest, trust and honesty within the group.  


I very much hope we can secure his services next year to take this even further.


–James Wilson - General Manager (Millenium Corniche Hotel, Abu Dhabi)

"Working with Stef is like taking a warm bath for the soul.

Each of our sessions left me nourished and feeling a deep sense of peace and direction. Stef helped me stop relating anxious feelings to mean something about the future of my business, this has been a total game changer, allowing me to move the needle forward and take the personal out of it all, rather than get lost in worry  and procrastination for weeks or months on end.

As a result of working with Stef my bounce back is stronger, resilience deeper and creativity awakened, I’ve been able to bring to life the ideas that come to me."


–Grace Kelly -

"Stef is without doubt, one of the greatest teachers of the Principles in the world.  He has a deep appreciation of the true nature of reality and lives to support and nourish others. In my opinion he is, in the deepest sense, a trustee of health in the world. 


Stef has done a remarkable amount of free work for us in secondary schools in the UK. He regularly conducts talks for parents so that they can support and prevent mental illness and high levels of stress in their families. He also leads workshops for teachers so that they can experience heightened levels of wellbeing and performance.


Without his support, none of our work at Mental Wellbeing in Schools would ever have been possible. 

I feel exceptionally lucky to have him in my life and I couldn’t begin to describe the changes that he has facilitated in myself and my family.  On top of all this, you always thoroughly enjoy grabbing a coffee and spending time with Stef."


Ed Anthony - Mental Wellbeing In Schools



"I'm incredibly grateful to have Stef as my mentor these past few months. His guidance and wisdom have been invaluable in deepening my grounding and helping take my coaching to another level. I love Stef's warm and patient manner, he oozes 'the feeling' that everyone says 'listen out for' that you can't help having that awaken inside of you too!"


Laura White - 3 Principles Coach

"Working with Stef feels like coming home. His kindness and attention is warm and nurturing, with such deep listening that allows for new insight. As my mentor during a coach certification training, Stef was always encouraging, positive, and curious. He asked just the right questions to get me to consider how my coaching session had unfolded, what I noticed, and how it felt. I never felt judged and evaluated, only held and supported to grow into the best coach that I could be. Stef is a gift and a testament that compassion and love are powerful forces for change in this world." 


Sarah Kostin - Transformative Coach


















"If you run a business, I highly recommend Stef, because what he helps you do, is tap into something deep within yourself, helps you grow and expand in such beautiful way. You'll expand your personal and professional development"


Nikon J. Gormley - Business Coach





"Imagine you are walking along the bank of a gentle river, among the flow of a warm summers day breeze with a deeply grounded and a soulful friend. He deeply sees you, hears you, and more often than not, he tells you how it has been (and sometimes still) that it is the same experience that he goes through. It is as though this friend completely gets you, and you feel that it is not just you going through all that you are, you no longer feel alone in the world. He then respectfully offers perspectives and insights that somehow and for some reason innately resonate with you. It is as though he knows exactly what’s going on underneath layers upon layers of your experiences, so simple, yet so profound. Before you know it, you feel as though you are becoming the gentle breeze that you felt upon you. More richer than ever before, you hear the gentle flow of the river, the playful conversations of the birds and the aliveness of the world around you. From this space, you both take a fresh look at the very challenges that you may had first started to share, and it all seems to look mystically different - they seem lighter, carefree and many unseen possibilities seem to emerge from nowhere. Before you know it, all of life seems to make sense, at ease, and graceful, regardless of what is unfolding around you. This is the type of experience that is so on offer in a deeply moving conversation with Stef… you are in for a real treat to really connect with Life!"



Asanka Ananda - Transformative Coach





"Working with Stef was a special treat for me.

Having the opportunity to explore all my questions meant a lot to me, also because I decided to give me and my life the time and space to unfold.


What I got was so much better than I expected, even though I am a Transformative Coach myself.

It’s just so awesome to be in that space of deep stillness and to get clarity and calm again. It’s always there, but so often we are not able to access this space.


Stef showed me again, that it is always there and that you can always see more. His questions, his explanations, his interruptive statements were an offer to go deeper, and I did.


That is only possible with someone you trust and who meets you on the same level, without any prejudice or concept in mind. Stef knows how to create a space of deep meaning and trust. So if you are not sure yet if you want to work with Stef or if you are even new to Transformative Coaching, based on the three principles, do it! It will be so much better than you can think of. :)"



Rebecca Petersen - Transformative Coach




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